May Declared UV Awareness Month by Prevent Blindness - Bella Eye Care Optometry

Extended exposure ultraviolet (UV) rays can immediately cause damage to eyes, including photokeratitis, also referred to as a “corneal sunburn.”  UV damage to the eyes may also be cumulative, resulting in the development of cataracts or cancer later in life. With so many of us spending more time outside with shelter-in-place restrictions and the nicer weather, we want to remind everyone that a good pair of sunglasses is essential for living, working, and playing in California.

The risk of sun-related eye problems is higher for people who:

  • have light-colored eyes
  • spend long hours in the sun
  • have had cataract surgery
  • have certain retina disorders
  • are on certain medicines, such as tetracycline, sulfa drugs, birth control pills, diuretics, and tranquilizers that increase the eye’s sensitivity to light.

The best protection against UV damage to the eyes is wearing a brimmed hat in conjunction with UV-blocking sunglasses.  Consumers should always read labels carefully and only purchase sunglasses that clearly state that the sunglasses block 99 to 100 percent of UV-A and UV-B rays. We can recommend the best eye protection based on your outdoor activity and/or prescription lens needs. Call us at 510-494-8880 to discuss all the options we have for you to enjoy being outside and keeping your eyes as healthy as the rest of you.